Submission to Husbands

Many wives find it very difficult to respect and be in subject to their own husbands. The main reason for this problem is ‘pride or self’. Sometimes the wife feels that she is more intelligent, better qualified and good in taking decisions. In that case, she can only suggest to her husband with all humility and not rule over him.

If the wife finds it very difficult to respect her husband and be in submission to her husband, then she has to crucify her ‘self’ on the cross. Gal 5:24 and be filled with the Holy Spirit Eph 5:18. The very important mark of a Spirit filled woman is her whole hearted submission to her husband in everything. It is not in having some gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

How can a woman be filled with the Holy Spirit and at the same time not submitted to him. A Spirit filled woman will have right relationship with her husband, and will not boss over or dominate her husband. The Bible says, “You wives be submissive to your own husbands… do not let your beauty be that outward adorning… but let it be the hidden (qualities like) gentle and quiet spirit” I Pet 3:1-4.

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