Qualities of a Good Husband

By C Barnabas
  1. Loves his wife as Christ loved the Church Eph 5:25.
  2. Loves his wife as he loves himself Eph 5:28, 33.
  3. Nourishes and cherishes her and never hates her Eph 5:29.
  4. Leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife Eph 5:31.
  5. Loves her and is never bitter toward her Col 3:19.
  6. Lives with her with understanding and honours her I Pet 3:7.
  7. Is faithful to her and never divorces her Mal 2:16.
  8. Provides for her needs I Tim 5:8.
  9. Is satisfied with her Prov 5:18, 19.
  10. Considers and treats her as a partner Gen 2:18.

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