Special Features in Hinduism

By C Barnabas

Hinduism is a religious tradition built over 5000 years, by absorbing the beliefs and practices of various religions and cultural movements in India. ‘Hindu’ is the Persian word for ‘India’ and it referred to the people who lived in Sindhu valley.

Hinduism was not founded by anybody, and it does not have an organised structure. It does not have a creed or a central authority. It is also not a missionary minded religion and all Hindus born in Hindu family are Hindus. Most of the Hindus of the world live in India.

Hinduism is the third major world religion next to Christianity and Islam. It is the majority religion in India, Nepal and Mauritius, and significant minority in eleven other countries. In the total population of the world, 13.5 percent people are Hindus. In other words, one out of seven persons in the world is a Hindu. Now they are becoming a militant religion and are spreading in the West with growth rate of 2% in the name of Transcendental Meditation, Hare Krishna Movement, New Age Thinking and Guruism. Here are a few special characteristics of Hinduism, which will enable us to know about Hinduism and take steps to reach them.

  1. Accepts all new ideas, and beliefs: Hinduism accepts all beliefs belonging to other religions, and makes it as its own belief. For example they worship Buddha, considering him as one of the Avatars and are tolerant to Sikhs.
  2. Accommodates all practices and customs: It accommodates people who are vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians. The myths and superstitions practiced in various villages are accepted and accommodated in Hinduism, since there is no set code of conduct or rules and regulations in Hinduism.
  3. Permits freedom of worship of any god in any way: Hindus worship 33 million gods and family gods. Even spirits of the dead people are worshipped, and the way of worship varies from place to place. They worship their village gods, demigods, demons and family gods in a special room in their home and in the temple.
  4. Maintains unity in diversity: Hinduism is also a religion of diversities, but there is unity in diversity. In Hinduism there are different gods and different ways for salvation. The scriptures are also many in number. But all these differences are accepted and accommodated in Hinduism. Opposing Grihasthiya or Sanyasa accepted without any difficulty. People from low castes and people from high castes are also accepted.
  5. Considers that all ways lead to God: Hinduism does not teach about only one way. It talks about many ways to reach God. Even the ways taught in other religions are accepted and  practised by the followers.
  6. Accepts gods from other religions as God: Hindus do not believe that their God is the only way. They even accept Jesus and Mohammed as God and pray to them. They do not hesitate to pray to Jesus or worship in churches.
  7. Take their religion and custom very seriously: Most of the Hindus are more devote and religious than people from other religions. They never hesitate to fall prostrate before their temple on the roadside and reverently bow down their head whenever they pass a temple or an idol. They observe their fasting and family practices regularly and sincerely.
  8. Gives importance to the person rather than the Society: In Hinduism, the individual and his salvation is the centre of attention. Social activities are not given importance. Now gradually this trend is changing. Hinduism covers up the problem of sin by calling sin as an illusion.
  9. Considers religion as a way of life: For a Hindu his religion is part and parcel with his life from his birth to his death. The religion controls his activities, practical life and thinking.
  10. Searches for peace and forgiveness of sin: Most of the Hindus visit various temples and take many pilgrimages to get peace and forgiveness of sin. The fact that they continue to take such pilgrimages show that they are not satisfied with their practices and beliefs. Only Christ can meet their need. His substitutionary work on the cross can meet their problem of sin. Only Jesus can give them the peace that they are searching. 

May the Lord help us to present the way of peace and forgiveness of sin available in Christ to these needy people. 

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