Some Methods to Reach Hindus

By C Barnabas
  1. Dialoguing and Debating is one of the best methods to reach educated Hindus. But care should be taken to see that it will not lead to arguments. Open discussions will answer the questions of a Hindu and enable him to find out the truth.
  2. Preaching is the method that the believers have used in the history to reach others. The Great Commission of Jesus Christ is to, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15. Apologetic preaching helps young men and those having questions in their mind, to find answer in Christ.
  3. Personal Witnessing by word and life is another method that will be very effective. Paul witnesses personally to those who were in the ‘market place daily’ and this led some men to join him and believe in Jesus. Acts 17:17, 34. We live in the midst of Hindus and if all Christians win one soul per year, then Christian population will double in India within one year.
  4. Mass Media is the modern method that can be exploited for evangelism. There is no need to get a film or a projector. If we could get a few audio and video cassettes we can effectively use them in homes and streets, since most of the houses in cities have TVs and Tape recorders. Video cassettes can be used by circulating to friends and by cable TVs. We need to pray that the Lord will enable Christians to produce good videos for circulation and use. Literature can be intelligently used. Bibles, New Testaments and gospel portions can be sold out to our neighbours. But only a few believers use literature for evangelism.
  5. House Visiting and requesting others to visit our home during festival times and other important days can be effectively used to reach others. Gospel can be shared informally over a tea followed by a discussion. Birthdays and Christmas can be used for such informal gathering and presentation of the gospel.
  6. Inviting others to Christian programmes and meetings will help others to hear the gospel. Many people have accepted Christ in Christian meetings, and still it is a place for a Hindu who searches for the truth and meaning in life, to meet Jesus. 
  7. Systematic and regular intercessory prayer for those with whom we mingle will bring them to Christ. A Christian must have the names of at least twenty five Hindus known to him in his prayer note book and must pray daily for their salvation.
  8. By using our spare time in evangelistic effort in and near our place of settlement, we can reach others. In India we are surrounded by Hindus and they can be reached only if all believers involve actively in evangelistic efforts. 
  9. By supporting missionary agencies, we can reach the people cross-culturally. More than 90% of Hindus are not in contact with Christians. Millions and millions of Hindus can be reached only through missionary efforts. So believers must regularly pray for the missionaries and support the missionary work by sacrificial giving.
  10. By going out as a full time workers, we can use our talents and time fully for the ministry. If God has called you for full time ministry do not procrastinate to go out as a full time worker. Full time work is one of the greatest and privileged works in this world. Everywhere we find unemployment but for the full time ministry there is always great need for workers. Let us pray to the Lord of harvest to send labourers. “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” Matt 9:37, 38.

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