Some Important Facts on Sex
- Published in Resisting Sexual Sins
By C Barnabas
- Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and masturbation are addictive in nature. The one who fails to put a limit to these harmful sexual behaviours will become a sex addict.
- Sexual contact and unnecessary conversation between man and woman are deadly progressive. Christians who want to serve the Lord will consciously resist such progression.
- Free and casual mixing of young persons of opposite sexes should be avoided. Sex is like a fire and you can’t keep fire over cotton and avoid burning.
- Lust is like river. It will be under control as long as it is within the banks of God’s will and His Word. But it will overflow and destroy everything, the moment it flows out of control, and overflows the banks.
- The temptations to commit sexual sins is normal. It’s what you do with them that leads you into sin.
- Evil thoughts, uncontrolled desires, fantasies and imaginations are the root-causes for all sexual sins. Always substitute evil thoughts with good ones Phil 4:8.
- None, however chosen and used mightily by the Lord, is immune to sexual sins. So let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. I Cor 10:12.
- Many young people think that marriage will put an end to their sexual problems. Marriage will not solve the problem if one fails to manage his sexual behaviour properly and put them under control.
- There is no age limit for sexual temptations. So one must discipline the body and bring it always into subjection lest he fall miserably. I Cor 9:27.
- Some Christians fall in the area of ‘Second look’ Matt 5:27, 28 and the ‘lust of the flesh’ I John 2:16. These are sinful and will lead to sexual immorality, if one fails to discipline himself in these areas.
- Anyone, regardless of how many victories that he had won, can fall into sexual sins.
- If you fail to keep the lust as your servant, it will become your master John 8:34, and ruin your spiritual life, and your usefulness to the Lord.
- A Christian who falls again and again in a particular sexual sin will try to conceal, excuse and rationalise like others.
- Sexual sins can never be successfully covered. It is like trying to hide a big pumpkin into a plateful of rice.
- One act of sin, in the area of sex, can spark years of personal and family pain. It will paralyse permanently his witness and his ministry.