Sermon Outline for Expository Message – Flee Sexual Immorality

Flee from Sexual Immortality! 1 Cor 6:9-20

I used to visit a hostel in Trichy to take Bible study for the students every week. Most of the students who attended the Bible study were from non-Christian background. There was a boy from Roman Catholic background, also attended the Bible study regularly. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Later he became the leader of the prayer group, and attended all the camps, and conferences conducted for the students.

After his studies, he got a job in the state government and was posted in a village in South Arcot district of Tamil Nadu. He used to write to me periodically, and he introduced Jesus Christ to his colleagues and relatives. In the village, he stayed in a room in the upstairs of a house. The lady of the house used to send food now and then to him.

One day I received a letter from him stating that he had vacated the house, and was staying in the office itself. He wrote that one night the wife of the house owner, called him for illicit sex and he ran away from the house. I appreciated his boldness to say ‘no’ to sin, and flee away from that place. Now he is married and is having two children.

Like Joseph he had the courage to resist the strong pull of sex, and flee from the place of sin. The Bible exhorts believers to flee from sexual immortality in 1 Cor 6:9-20 like this believer. Let us study the reasons given here to flee away from sin, and the results of not fleeing away from it.

1. Reasons for the flight:

  • Sanctification and justification received in Jesus Christ (6:11).
  • Subordination of our members to God (6:13-18).
  • Sold out to God (6:20).
  • Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit (6:19).

2. Results of not fleeing:

  • Stops one’s entry into the kingdom of God (6:9, 10).
  • Sends one to slavery (6:12).
  • Sin against one’s own body (6:18).
  • Suspends relationship with God and joins one with the harlot (6:15, 16).

Out of ten sins listed in verses 9 and 10 in this passage, six sins are related to sexual desire. This passage says that those who commit these sins will not inherit the kingdom of God and these sins must be the past experience of Christians. This passage also says that we are sanctified, justified and bought with a price. We are the temple of God which is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. So our “body is not for sexual immortality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body” 6:13. May the Lord enable us to take heed to the warning of sexual immortality in this passage and flee from them.

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