Facts about Hinduism

There are about 725 million Hindus in the world and about 675 million Hindus in India.
In the total population of the world, 13.5 percent people are Hindus. They are more than the total number of Protestants in the world (10.3%).
In the world, there are three Hindu countries. They are India, Nepal and Mauritius. Among these countries, India is a secular country open for the gospel. Nepal is gradually opening for the gospel and Mauritius is a country closed for missionary activities.

Beliefs of Hindus

The View of God: The following are some of the views of God among the Hindus.
Animism: Animism is worshipping and offering sacrifice to nature. Many Hindus worship nature gods like heaven, thunder, and fire. Even now some Hindus worship nature gods and they are animists.
Monism: Monism is the belief in one god. The belief that there is only one God in this world also was accepted and practised by Hindus.