Conquering Sexual Addiction
A History professor once said on the harmfulness of sex, “After many years of careful study and observation, I am convinced that nearly half of all human misery is caused by breaking the seventh commandment, Thou shall not commit adultery”. This is because after the fall of man, sex has become the centre of life for many people and it has become the chief of all the appetites. So many people are addicted to sex, like drug addiction, and they find it very difficult to control the sexual drive.
Some believers are affected by serious sexual drive, even after their conversion. They keep it secret in the fear that others will think low of them. That is why we come across pastors and evangelists who have failed miserably in this area. All believers must know that they are not immune to sexual problems. Here are few practical steps for conquering sex addiction.
- Be watchful: Always keep a safe distance from the opposite sex; especially if there is a ‘flutter of heart’ and if your heart ‘fails to beat’ in their company. Be watchful not to become familiar with anyone of the opposite sex.
- Be alert: Always be alert to harden your heart when you are attracted to certain persons or a particular person, and avoid their company. Also avoid going to places where you feel that the temptation is the greatest.
- Be careful: Always be careful to strengthen your Biblical teaching on sex and memorise certain verses on sex to protect you at the time of temptations. Be careful not to be carried away by the philosophy of sex of the world.
- Be mindful: Always remind yourself that the fall in this area will ruin your happiness, witness and future.
- Be strict: Always be watchful to guard your mind and be very strict with sinful thoughts. Never permit lustful thoughts and adulterous look; but fill your mind with thoughts that will edify and lift you (Col 3:2).
- Be ready: Satan will be always around the corner to tempt you and so always be ready. Know that Satan has used sex as a snare to enslave and destroy the spiritual lives of thousands of Christians in the history of the church.