Magnificent Song of Mary

By C Barnabas
The early church set music to the Song of Mary found in Luke 1:46 to 55 and used it in their worship. Today, this is also sung in many mainline churches in the Sunday worship service. Do you know the reason? It is mainly because it contains very important elements of worship for a person in the context of fear and anxiety. Mary was troubled when she heard that she will give birth to a child before her marriage. She may have gone to Elizabeth’s house with anxiety and fear in her heart. In Elizabeth’s house, she found another miracle. It was the miracle of Elizabeth conceiving in her old age and prophesying that Mary is the blessed mother of the Lord. When Mary heard this prophecy she understood the greatness of God and praised and rejoiced in the Lord forgetting her worries in the following ways. She magnified the greatness of her Lord with joy and happiness in the midst of difficult times because:
  1. He is her Saviour (v. 47)
  2. He is mighty and has done great things for her (v. 49)
  3. He is holy (v.49)
  4. His mercy is on those who fear Him(v. 50)
  5. His strength scatters the proud, puts down the mighty and exalts the lowly (v. 51,52)
  6. His care for the hungry (v. 53)
  7. His goodness to His people (v. 53-55)
This Song of Mary is the appropriate hymn to remember the greatness of God and worship Him when we pass through fears and anxieties. Will you use this worship hymn next time when you worship the Lord either in the church or in your personal prayer especially when you experience His goodness in your fear and anxieties?

(Dr. C. Barnabas, taken from True Discipleship, Nov-Dec 2000)

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