Needs and Wants

By C Barnabas
Needs vs Wants

I know a full time worker. He used to purchase rice, oil, dhal and other important items needed for one month immediately after he received his salary. He also saved part of his income and gave regularly to the Lord. At that time he received a salary of less than one thousand rupees for a family of six persons. He avoided purchasing anything that was unnecessary. Now he is able to give good education to all his children without any difficulty because he learnt to distinguish between his needs and wants. A Christian must know how to distinguish between ‘his needs’ and ‘his wants’. He should spend money only on his needs and not on his wants. What are the ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ of a person?

The Needs: The needs are those things and materials which are necessary for the sustenance. For example a small house, a few dresses and the food for three times a day are the needs. A child of God must carefully budget his money to purchase all these needs from his income.

The Wants: The wants are additional materials and things needed for our lives. One can manage without these wants in this world. These things are not very important for the family. For example a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a colour TV, refrigerator, expensive food and clothing. These items may be helpful and can be purchased by those who can afford to purchase them. But one can manage in this world without these things. Let us understand our needs and wants and decide to spend our money only for the needs and not for our wants.

So let us also be careful to avoid changing our wants into needs. May the Lord enable us to lead a debt-free life by spending money only for the needs and not for the wants.

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