Passive Smoking

By C Barnabas
Smoke-Free Sanctity

Smoking affects not only the smokers but also others who are exposed to the fumes from smokers. The exposure to the toxic fumes generated by smokers is called passive smoking. Dr Cedric F. Garland said, “The link between passive smoking and health problem are now as solid as any findings in Epidemiology (the science of epidemics)”.

The National Research Council of US had reported that passive smoking leads to lung cancer. A study of rabbits exposed to cigarette smokes for 15 minutes a day, for 20 days revealed lung damage resembling asthmatic reaction. This is similar to the exposure of children or wife or others staying with smokers.

In 1986, the US Surgeon General studied on the effect of passive smoking on children and others, and reported that it produces lung cancers. Dr. Glants reported in a conference that passive smoke kills 50,000 innocent Americans every year. The American Academy of Paediatric reported that 12 million children are exposed to passive smoking in America alone.

Dr Henry reported that there is 30 percent increase of risks of non-smokers living with smokers. The wife of a smokers has the possibility of getting cancer three times more than the others. Passive smoking can also produce lung cancer and heart attacks. This is the reason smoking is now prohibited in public places. 

So one must avoid living with smokers and request politely all those who smoke in public place not to smoke in public place not to smoke there. Parents who give their daughter in marriage to a smoker are not only giving their daughter to a prospective cancer but also send her to a place where she and her children may get cancer.  Parents who smoke in the house spoil not only their health but also their loved ones. The Bible asks those who smoke and spoil the body, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” I Cor 3:16, 17.

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