Stewardship of God’s Gift
- Published in Stewardship of God’s Gift
From the Editor…
Dearly beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you in the name of our gracious and loving Lord and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ.
We praise and thank God that ‘True Discipleship’ has been useful to many believers. After reading the last issue, which dealt with bringing up of children in Christian home, one of my friends wrote to me saying that there is no programme in the church to teach and train our young people expect the Sunday school. The Church also plays a major role in moulding and training our youngsters.
The Church should include varieties of programmes Like Youth Fellowship, Vacation Bible Study Groups, Prayer Cells and Outreach Programmes for teens. The Church leaders haven’t understood the potentials of young people and tapped them for the glory of God. I request the readers to send articles on the role of Church in bringing up children and young people. Best article selected, will be published in ‘True Discipleship’.
This issue focuses on the Biblical teaching of bringing up of youngsters. Kindly continue to pray for the usefulness of the magazine to many believers.