The doctrines of Islam

By C Barnabas
  • One God-Allah: Allah is the one true God. Muslims deny the trinity and the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Allah is omnipotent, omniscient and absolutely sovereign. God is responsible for all that happens in the world. There is no God other than Allah, and Mohammed is the last prophet sent by God to reveal Him.
  • Angels: The Muslims believe in angels and importance has been given to angels in Quran. It is believed that angels are everywhere and one angel sits on the right shoulder and records one’s good deeds. Another angel sits on another shoulder and records the bad deeds. On the judgement day, the person is rewarded or punished depending on these records by the angels. Through angels God reveals His will, and Gabriel was the revealer of God to Mohammed. The angels are said to help believers and torture the unbeliever after the death. 
  • The Scriptures: Muslims believe that there were 124,000 prophets from Adam to Mohammed, and Mohammed is the last prophet. All these prophets received holy books from God and all those holy books were lost except the Law (taurat) given to Moses, the Psalms (Zabur) given to David, Gospel (Injil) given to Jesus and the Quran given to Mohammed. It is believed that all these books were pre-existent in heaven and the actual words were dictated by the angel to the prophet. Now they claim that Quran was sent down from heaven because Jews and Christians distorted their Scriptures.
  • The Prophets: Muslims believe that Allah sent thousands of prophets to guide people in the world. All the Old Testament prophets and John the Baptist were considered as prophets. Jesus was considered to be a sinless prophet. But Mohammed was a sinful prophet, and he is the last and greatest of all the prophets.
  • The day of Judgement: Muslims also believe in Heaven, Hell, resurrection and a day of judgement. On the judgement day the deeds of each man will be weighed on a pair of balances to find out his destination. All those whose bad deeds out-weigh good deeds, will be sent to Hell and, all those whose good deeds outweigh the bad deeds will be sent to heaven, which is a place of sensuous delight and gratification. 

The Decrees of Allah: Muslims believe that everything in life is preordained and it is dependent completely on the will of God. Allah is responsible for everything that happens in the life of a Muslim which includes evil also. Since there is no free will for a Muslim, the fatalism is the outcome of this belief.

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