The Modern Arians

By C Barnabas

Jehovah’s Witness are the modern counterpart of the Arians, who lived in the fourth century. The Arian heresy was revived by C.T. Russell in the last century in the name ‘The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’ and later called as ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’. They teach Jesus is created by God, and He is not eternal and equal with God. Arians believed that Christ was a created being, and He was not God. In the Synod held at Alexandria, Arian and his followers were condemned, and exiled. This heresy was also condemned in the council of Nicaea.


The Christian belief is that Jesus Christ is very God of very God, and He is eternal, and equal with God. The Bible says that denying Christ as the Lord is a destructive heresy I Peter 2:1, and teaches that those who teach such doctrine must be avoided Rom 16:17.

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